Sunflower / Tournesol
Open Access

Table 1

Acreage and production of top 10 countries.

Acreage and production Average 2009/2013 Average 2014/2018 % increase
Source: Oil World, 2019 1000 ha 1000 T 1000 ha 1000 T Production
World 24 808 35 922 25 708 45 421 26
Ukraine 4830 8071 5760 12 390 54
Russia 6240 7438 6942 10 300 38
Argentina 1739 3215 1426 2976 −7
China 947 2136 957 2561 20
Romania 886 1326 1025 2094 58
Bulgaria 733 1359 842 1921 41
Hungary 556 1316 625 1707 30
Turkey 559 1032 689 1494 45
France 694 1617 634 1423 −12
USA 771 1267 618 1084 −14
Top 10 17 955 28 777 19 518 37 950 32
Top 10% 72% 80% 76% 84%
(European Union) 4013 7769 4282 8913 15
(Serbia) 175 402 190 534 33

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