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Novel approach for overcoming the stability challenges of lipid-based excipients. Part 1: Screening of solid-state and physical properties of polyglycerol esters of fatty acids as advanced pharmaceutical excipients
Carolina Corzo, Diogo Gomes Lopes, Dirk Lochmann, et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 148 134 (2020)
New blends of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and Gelucire 44/14: physical property and controlled release of drugs with different solubility
Kyung-Ho Lee, Chulhun Park, Giwon Oh, Jun-Bom Park and Beom-Jin Lee Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation 48(3) 313 (2018)
Size characterization of commercial micelles and microemulsions by Taylor dispersion analysis
Joseph Chamieh, Florian Davanier, Vincent Jannin, Frédéric Demarne and Hervé Cottet International Journal of Pharmaceutics 492(1-2) 46 (2015)
Polyoxylglycerides and glycerides: Effects of manufacturing parameters on API stability, excipient functionality and processing
Effects of supercritical carbon dioxide processing on optical crystallinity and in vitro release of progesterone and Gelucire 44/14 solid and semi-solid dispersions