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Effect of High-Protein and High-Fiber Breaders on Oil Absorption and Quality Attributes in Chicken Nuggets
Glenda Gutiérrez-Silva, Francisco Vásquez-Lara, Nina G. Heredia-Sandoval and Alma R. Islas-Rubio Foods 12(24) 4463 (2023)
The Wheat Aleurone Layer: Optimisation of Its Benefits and Application to Bakery Products
Comparison of ambient solvent extraction methods for the analysis of fatty acids in non-starch lipids of flour and starch
Niloufar Bahrami, Lina Yonekura, Robert Linforth, et al. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 94(3) 415 (2014)
Protein accumulation in aleurone cells, sub-aleurone cells and the center starch endosperm of cereals
Role of Non-prolamin Proteins and Low Molecular Weight Redox Agents in Protein Folding and Polymerization in Wheat Grains and Influence on Baking Quality Parameters
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Colin Wrigley, Robert Asenstorfer, Ian Batey, Geoffrey Cornish, Li Day, Daryl Mares and Kolumbina Mrva 495 (2009)
The Triticum aestivum non-specific lipid transfer protein (TaLtp) gene family: comparative promoter activity of six TaLtp genes in transgenic rice
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